
Doing business in the Caribbean USA and Canada           chris@ro-i.com       Located in North Vancouver, BC

Toll Free: 1-866-618-3030                           604-618-3030  

Since 1998
Since 1998

Doing business in USA and Canada           chris@ro-i.com       Located in Vancouver, BC

Toll Free: 1-866-618-3030                           604-618-3030  

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$$ Saving Software

Computers have come a long way but it can still be hard to source the right software that will help you save money.  Every restaurant seems to have a thousand spreadsheets but is it as productive and creating extra profit or it is just giving a level of comfort.  We have had many clients who think they have cost of goods under control but once they switch to Optimum Control they find many points missing.  The following quote says it all:

“The software has been fabulous for our operations. In 2005 we tested the software in two of our restaurants. Both restaurants showed an annual $50,000 cost of goods savings, lowering their total cost of goods 2% from the previous year. Using Optimum Control - our facility in Burnaby, BC lowered its food cost 3.9% and our facility in Oakville, Ontario lowered its food cost 2.4% from the previous year. These facilities did not have a cost of good problem to begin with and always hit their targets. We have since implemented the software into each of our other 12 full service restaurants.

This software has saved my food & beverage managers time administratively and we use Optimum Control to report our weekly costs.”


Dave Kenny

National Food & Beverage Director

Canlan Ice Sports

Navigate through Optimum Control and OC Labor and see how  they can help you.  Also check out the links we have to free software that makes it that much easier for the operator.

Optimum Control