Since 1998
Since 1998

Doing business in USA and Canada           chris@ro-i.com       Located in Vancouver, BC

Toll Free: 1-866-618-3030                           604-618-3030  

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“Seven tricks to getting your servers to up sell.”

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Management & Staff Seminars

Staff training, wether it be your top managers to your service staff, is always a necessity but can be hard to find and implement.   Have your management been trained in interview techniques and you staff trained on how to suggestive sell?

From our very well received suggestive selling seminars to our marketing and operations seminar we can customize seminars for your organization.  Our seminars range from 4 hours to 5 days.

Call for more information

Seminar Leader—Chris Wadham

Chris Wadham is President of Restaurant Office Intelligence inc., a full service hospitality consulting company located in Vancouver, BC.  Over the past 12 years ROI has consulted with many operations across North America.

True story from one of our Suggestive Selling Seminars:

“It was the beginning of the seminar and before I could even finish the introduction a staff member jumped out of their chair and said to the group - Listen to what Chris has to say, I was here last year and I made $5,000 more in tips this year! (and the operator made an extra $35,000 in sales).”

Call us for more information.